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Dispelling rumors in news reports, Elon Musk says he "never will" launch a Twitter or X Crypto Token

Elon Musk “Never Will” Launch a Twitter or X Crypto Token, Putting Claims in News Reports To Rest

Elon Musk “Never Will” Launch a Twitter or X Crypto Token, Putting Claims in News Reports To Rest

Musk and X Have Never Released a Cryptocurrency Token

VIDEO: Elon's Twitter Takeover is Going Great! - TechNewsDay
Internet Today

The rumors of Twitter or X developing its own cryptocurrency coin have been put to bed by Elon Musk.

The announcement was made in response to a post from user @DogeDesigner, who cautioned that despite claims in news reports to the contrary, Musk and X have never released a cryptocurrency token.

"And we never will," Musk replied in a snappy one-liner.

Despite the fact that this is a blatant rejection of a crypto token launched by Musk, it does not completely rule out cryptocurrency support or associated functionality in a future X "everything app."

When it comes to digital assets, Musk has a history of sending conflicting messages. In the past, he has declared his admiration for Dogecoin and made suggestions about integrating crypto payments into Twitter. In 2021, Doge developers revealed that they had been working with Musk to create a less expensive, more environmentally friendly alternative to Bitcoin for years.

The company was reported to be developing a product that would enable cryptocurrency payments earlier this year, however it wasn't clear which token would be used. While a Twitter or X native token does not seem to be in Musk's future plans, the door is not completely closed to cryptocurrencies.


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Name: Emily Hart

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