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IGN is still offering the Alienware m16 RTX 4070 gaming laptop for $139999, which is the Cyber Monday deal

For Cyber Monday, Dell has the Alienware m16 RTX 4070 gaming laptop for only $1399.99 after a $600 instant discount. This is the least expensive RTX 4070 gaming laptop currently available at Dell. Equipped with an Intel Core i7 CPU and GeForce RTX 4070 GPU, this capable laptop will satisfy your gaming needs.

Cyber Monday Deal: Alienware m16 RTX 4070 Gaming Laptop for 99.99

VIDEO: Best Gaming Laptop Deals for Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2023!
Jarrod's Laptops

Alienware m16 16" 2560x1600 (QHD+) Intel Core i7-13700HX RTX 4070 Laptop 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD

This Alienware m16 laptop features a 16" 2560x1600 QHD+ display, your choice of either the Intel Core i7-13700HX or AMD Ryzen 9 7845HX processor, GeForce RTX 4070 GPU, 16GB of DDR5-4800MHz RAM and a 1TB NVMe SSD. The 13th gen Intel Core i7-17300HX "Raptor Lake" features a max boost clock of 5GHz with 16 cores, 24 threads, and a 30MB cache. It's a powerful processor that will chew through gaming and productivity tasks and won't bottleneck your GPU.

The RTX 4070 mobile GPU is roughly equivalent to the RTX 3080. It's a little bit faster than the RTX 3070 Ti but not quite as powerful as the RTX 3080 Ti. You'll need this kind of power to run games comfortably on the laptop's beefed up 2560x1600 or QHD+ display. Compared to RTX 30 series cards, RTX 40 series cards also support new features like DLSS 3.0, which is essentially DLSS 2.0 plus frame generation. For games that support it (like Diablo 4) this can be a pretty significant FPS increase over even DLSS 2.0.

Looking for more Cyber Monday deals like this? Check out the best Cyber Monday deals of 2023.


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Author: Scott Costa

Last Updated: 1702186562

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Author information

Name: Scott Costa

Birthday: 2011-07-09

Address: 52993 Mora Mission, Port Savannahburgh, OH 99730

Phone: +4704596526378194

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Yoga, Bird Watching, Origami, Card Collecting, Aquarium Keeping, Running, Quilting

Introduction: My name is Scott Costa, I am a capable, transparent, strong-willed, Determined, rare, Colorful, sincere person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.